Hades 2 Wiki and Guides
Good luck killing Time


From Hades 2 Wiki and Guides
CodexPortrait Nemesis.png
Affiliation The Unseen.pngThe Unseen Property "Affiliation" (as page type) with input value "The Unseen.pngThe Unseen" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Keepsake Evil Eye

Nemesis is a Character in Hades II.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Nemesis can be talked to and given gifts at The Crossroads. There is currently an issue where her next Relationship Heart will show a lock, but subsequent Hearts are unlocked. When this is the case, you can sometimes still give Nemesis the gift(s) indicated on the unlocked Hearts (if no other gift is indicated, Nectar.pngNectar is appropriate)

Nemesis can also be encountered in Erebus (and more rarely, the Fields of Mourning). She will sometimes challenge Melinoë to see who can kill more monsters, with the winner gaining 100 Currency.pngGold from the loser (or however much gold Melinoë has at the end of the encounter, if less than 100). On other occasions, she will offer Melinoë an item, often at a price in Currency.pngGold or Health.pngHealth. At the end of these Encounters, Nemesis will run through one of the available doors, removing it as an option unless Melinoë out-runs her to that door.

Nemesis can also be found at Charon's Shop. If given a few seconds, she will purchase an item, making it unavailable. Shopping quickly can prevent this.

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