Hades 2 Wiki and Guides
Good luck killing Time


From Hades 2 Wiki and Guides
CodexPortrait Hera.png
Title Queen of the Olympians
Affiliation Olympian Gods.pngOlympian Gods Property "Affiliation" (as page type) with input value "Olympian Gods.pngOlympian Gods" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Keepsake Iridescent Fan

Hera is one of the God Characters in Hades II.

Codex Entry[edit | edit source]

The revered Queen of Olympus. She has more in common with us
than one may first expect.

She ensures some level of order on Olympus is maintained, but
there is only so much she can do. You wonder if you can help her

Boons[edit | edit source]

Hera Boon.pngBoons are focused on Hitch effects, changing your boons rarities, and magick regeneration.

List of all the Hera Boons, including Legendary, Infusion, Duo Boons and their Elements.

Boon Element Description Rarity and stats per Pom of Power.png Notes Prerequisites
Sworn Strike
Sworn Strike.png
Essence Earth.png
Your Attack deals more damage and inflict Hitch.
Attack Damage
0 1 2 +Pom of Power.png
Common: +50% 62.5% 68.75% +6.25%
Rare: +60% 72.5% 78.75% +6.25%
Epic: +70% 82.5% 88.75% +6.25%
Heroic: +80% 92.5% 98.75% +6.25%
Sworn Flourish
Sworn Flourish.png
Essence Earth.png
Your Special deals more damage and inflict Hitch.
Special Damage
0 1 2 +Pom of Power.png
Common: +60% 80% 90% +10%
Rare: +70% 90% 100% +10%
Epic: +80% 100% 110% +10%
Heroic: +90% 110% 120% +10%
Engagement Ring
Engagement Ring.png
Essence Earth.png
Your Casts last 200% longer and deal damage to every foe that joins the Encounter.
On-Spawn Damage
0 1 2 3
Common: 70 100 115 +10
Rare: 100 130 145 +10
Epic: 130 160 175 +10
Heroic: 145 190 205 +10
Nexus Sprint
Nexus Sprint.png
Essence Earth.png
Your Sprint inflicts Hitch on nearby foes, which spreads to other foes near them.
Additional Foes Hitched
0 1 2 3
Common: +1 2 3 +1
Rare: +2 3 4 +1
Epic: +3 4 5 +1
Heroic: +4 5 6 +1
Born Gain
Born Gain.png
Essence Earth.png
Whenever you run out of Magick.png, Prime.pngPrime some to restore all Magick.png up to the reduced limit.
Magick Primed
0 1 2
Common: 10 8 7
Rare: 8 6 5
Epic: 6 4 3
Heroic: 4 2 1
Max of 2 Pom of Power.pngPom None
Bridal Glow
Bridal Glow.png
Essence Earth.png
2 Boons become Heroic, then lose Rarity every X encounters.
Common: 5
Rare: 7
Epic: 8
Heroic: 9
No benefit from Pom of Power.pngPom of Power.
Unlike most Boons, there's a jump in power after Common
Requires 2 Upgradable Boons
Uncommon Grace
Uncommon Grace.png
Essence Earth.png
While none of your other Boons are Common, deal more damage.
Bonus Damage
0 1 2 3
Common: +10% 15% 17.5% 18.75%
Rare: +15% 20% 22.5% 23.75%
Epic: +20% 25% 27.5% 28.75%
Heroic: +25% 30% 32.5% 33.75%
4th Pom of Power.pngPom: +1% None
Nasty Comeback
Nasty Comeback.png
Essence Earth.png
After you take damage, inflict your foe with Hitch and deal damage in greater measure.
Damage Reflected
0 1 2 3
Common: 500% 650% 775% 895%
Rare: 750% 900% 1025% 1145%
Epic: 1000% 1150% 1275% 1395%
Heroic: 1250% 1400% 1525% 1645%
4th Pom of Power.pngPom: +110%
4+ Pom of Power.pngPoms: +105%
Keen Intuition
Keen Intuition.png
Essence Earth.png
Whenever you use Ω Moves while you have 100%Magick.png, they deal more damage.
Ω Moves Damage
0 1 2 3
Common: +30% 45 52.5 56.25
Rare: +45% 60 67.5 71.25
Epic: +60% 75 82.5 86.25
Heroic: +75% 90 97.5 101.25
4th Pom of Power.pngPom: +3% None
Family Trade
Family Trade.png
Essence Earth.png
Any Sacrifice Boons you choose are stronger. One will be offered as soon as possible.
Bonus Pom of Power.pngPom of Power Lv.
Common: +2
Rare: +3
Epic: +4
Heroic: +5
No benefit from Pom of Power.pngPom of Power.
Sacrifice Boons allow you to exchange your Core Five boons for one from another God. Hestia's Burnt Offering does not count.
Hereditary Bane
Hereditary Bane.png
Essence Earth.png
Your Hitch effects deal more damage and last +5 Sec.
Hitch Damage
0 1 2 +Pom of Power.png
Common: +10% 20% 30% +10%
Rare: +15% 25% 35% +10%
Epic: +20% 30% 40% +10%
Heroic: +25% 35% 45% +10%
One of the Following
  • Hera: Sworn Strike, Sworn Flourish, Nexus Sprint, or Nasty Comeback
Dying Wish
Dying Wish.png
Essence Earth.png
Whenever Hitch-afflicted foes are slain, damage all other Hitch-afflicted foes.
Hitch Death Damage
0 1 2 3
Common: 40 60 76 88.8
Rare: 60 80 96 108.8
Epic: 80 100 116 128.8
Heroic: 100 120 136 148.8
Each Pom of Power.pngPom of Power adds 80% as much, so 20, 16, 12.8... to a minimum of +4 for the 9th+ One of the Following
  • Hera: Sworn Strike, Sworn Flourish, Nexus Sprint, or Nasty Comeback
Proper Upbringing
Proper Upbringing.png

While you have at least 3 Essence Earth.pngEarth Essence, all your Common Boons gain Rarity.
  • Improved Rarity: Rare
Infusion 1 Essence Earth.pngEarth Essence
Brave Face
Brave Face.png
Essence Earth.png
Automatically use Magick.pngMagick to resist up to 50% of any damage
  • Magick Cost per Damage Point: 5Magick.png
Legendary One of each:
  • Hera: Sworn Strike, or Sworn Flourish
  • Hera: Born Gain, or Keen Intuition
  • Hera: Hereditary Bane, or Dying Wish
Funeral Pyre
Funeral Pyre.png
Essence Aether.png
While you Channel your Ω Moves, repeatedly inflict Scorch on nearby foes.
  • Scorch Damage: +90 (every 1 Sec.)
Duo (Hestia) One of each:
  • Hera Boons.pngHera: Sworn Strike, Sworn Flourish, Engagement Ring, Born Gain
  • Hestia Boons.pngHestia: Flame Strike, Flame Flourish, Smolder Ring, Hearth Gain
Spiteful Strength
Spiteful Strength.png
Essence Aether.png
Your Attacks and Specials' deal more damage while not empowered by Boons.
  • Boon-Less Bonus Damage: +200%
Duo (Hephaestus) One of each:
  • Hera Boons.pngHera: Brave Face, Nasty Comeback, Keen Intuition, Born Gain
  • Hephaestus Boons.pngHephaestus: Trusty Shield, Mint Condition, Heavy Metal, Tough Trade, Uncanny Fortitude, Fixed Gain
Cherished Heirloom
Cherished Heirloom.png
Essence Aether.png
Most other Keepsakes you equip are stronger this night (if possible).
  • Bonus Keepsake Ranks: +1
Duo (Demeter) One of each:
  • Hera Boons.pngHera: Engagement Ring, Nexus Sprint, Born Gain
  • Demeter Boons.pngDemeter: Arctic Ring, Frigid Sprint, Tranquil Gain
Soul Mate
Soul Mate.png
Essence Aether.png
Foes with Hitch take more damage and are Weak, but only 2 can be afflicted at a time.
  • Damage vs. Hitched Foes: +20%
Duo (Aphrodite) One of each:
  • Hera Boons.pngHera: Sworn Strike, Sworn Flourish, Nexus Sprint, Nasty Comeback
  • Aphrodite Boons.pngAphrodite: Rapture Ring, Passion Dash, Glamour Gain
Golden Rule
Golden Rule.png
Essence Aether.png
You deal more damage the more Currency.pngGolden Crowns you have.
  • Bonus Damage per 100 Gold: +5%
Duo (Poseidon) One of each:
  • Hera Boons.pngHera: Engagement Ring, Nexus Sprint, Born Gain
  • Poseidon Boons.pngPoseidon: Geyser Ring, Breaker Sprint, Fluid Gain
  • Poseidon Boons.pngPoseidon: Ocean's Bounty, Double Up
Sun Worshiper
Sun Worshiper.png
Essence Aether.png
In each Encounter, the first foe you slay returns to fight for you.
  • Servant Damage: +200%
Duo (Apollo) One of each:
  • Hera Boons.pngHera: Engagement Ring, Nexus Sprint, Born Gain
  • Apollo Boons.pngApollo: Solar Ring, Blinding Sprint, Lucid Gain
Queen's Ransom
Queen's Ransom.png
Essence Aether.png
Give up all your Boons of Zeus. For each, raise Lv. for all your Boons of Hera.
  • Bonus Lv. per Hera Boon: +3
Duo (Hera) Hera only offers Queen's Ransom and Zeus instead offers King's Ransom. One of each:
  • Hera Boons.pngHera: Sworn Strike, Sworn Flourish, Engagement Ring, Nexus Sprint, or Born Gain
  • Zeus Boons.pngZeus: Heaven Strike, Heaven Flourish, Storm Ring, Thunder Sprint, or Ionic Gain
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